Monday, July 16, 2012

July Town Meeting

On Thursday night, July 12th, we held our last town meeting for the Monroeville Comprehensive Plan. We presented the final chapter of the Comprehensive Plan, Plan Implementation. After summarizing the last few meetings, we spent the remainder of the presentation focused on plan implementation and what that means. The hows and whys of getting the projects and visions of the comprehensive plan accomplished. Linked below is a copy of the presentation in PDF format. Over the next week, we also be including all of the text from the chapter for your review. If you have any questions or comments please contact us. Thank you all for your time and participation during this planning process. Link to PowerPoint

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Town Meeting #3 - May 24th, 2012

Our third City meeting was held on May 24th, 2012. We spent the evening reviewing and discussing the existing and proposed future land uses for the City of Monroeville along with the existing and future transportation opportunities. The Future Land Use and Transportation chapters of the Comprehensive Plan, begin to drill down on the Strategic Development ideas presented in Chapter Two. We are refining the ideas, values and visions that community has responded with, developing a possible future pattern and some specific projects to accomplish the community's vision. Below you will see a link to the presentation that was made that evening, which broadly outline the chapters and stressed their relationships to one another and to the Comprehensive Plan as a whole. In addition Chapter Three, Land Use, has been linked to allow residents to further read and see the concepts that were outlined in the presentation in greater detail. We will soon be posting Chapter Four, Transportation, as it is completed. As always. let us reiterate that the Comprehensive Plan and its process is a community driven process and plan. We have received wonderful feedback both at the meetings, and via email to date. If there are any issues, concerns or ideas that we have missed or need to be addressed, please do not hesitate to call or write us. This is process of crafting a living document that is meant to provide a foundation of ideals, values and visions for the community, and one that should evolve and changes as the communities needs change. Thank you all for your time and comments as we move forward. The next meeting will be about Plan Implementation. We will look at all of the big and small ideas that have been discussed to date and we will provide specific tools and strategies for how we can go about accomplishing them. As soon as we have set a specific date and time for the meeting we will post it here and provide meeting announcements in the paper. Thank you all very much. Link to May 24th Presentation Link to Chapter Three Land Use

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Public Meeting #2 - Strategic Development Concept

Thank you all again for your continued support, discussions and time at last nights second City meeting. Last night we spent the evening reviewing the results from the first meeting and seeing how those responses and inputs directed, informed and resulted in a Strategic Development Concept for the City of Monroeville.

The Strategic Development Concept is one piece of the Comprehensive Plan and the planning process we are currently engaged in. The Strategic Development Concept gives us an overview of the major themes, goals and policies for the Comprehensive Plan.

Below are links to last nights presentation and the draft sections of the Comprehensive Plan, chapters one and two.

During each public meeting we are reviewing the issues discussed previously and adding another chapter and section to the Comprehensive Plan. You will see in the document below the first two chapters of the Comprehensive Plan cover the first two public meetings.

As we discussed last night the next public meeting will be held at 5:30 pm on Thursday May 24th at City Hall. The third meeting will review and discuss the next two chapters of the Comprehensive plan, Future Land Use and Transportation.

Please take a moment and review the material below. If there is anything we have forgotten, left out or you feel needs to mentioned now or as we go forward, please contact KPS and or the City. Thank you for your time and support.

Link to SDC Presentation powerpoint
Link to Chapters One and Two of the Comprehensive Plan

Next public meeting
Tuesday, May 8th at 6pm at City Hall

Thursday, March 8, 2012

First City Meeting

We can't thank everyone enough for coming out last Tuesday night and participating, it was a great start to the Monroeville Comprehensive Plan. We were able to dive right into the planning process and asked a lot of questions and got a lot of responses. The entire presentation given that evening is linked at the bottom of this post along with the responses to our questions. If there is anything we missed, or things that were not said that you believe need to be included, please tell us.

You are free to email and or write us, tell your City Council representative, or just stop by City Hall and deliver your comments in writing. We want to hear from you. The planning process and its success is directly related to the amount and quality of public participation.

The next public meeting is scheduled for Tuesday April 3rd at 6pm in City Hall. We will recap our first meeting, and dive right into the first chapters of the plan, covering the Strategic Development Concept. Please take a look at all the information that was presented at the first meeting, and if we missed something, please let us know.

Link to the presentation
Link to the responses

Friday, March 2, 2012

First Town Meeting - Date and Time

Tuesday March 6th, 6:00 pm at City Hall
Come share your thoughts and visions for the future of Monroeville!